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Quick Start

Since the readme is too long, I decided to write it as a document. If you just want to try it out or need a simple function, you can refer to this quick start tutorial. This tutorial will not cover all the features, only the content needed for simple use.

See Installation for installation, this is not covered.

Create a Tabs component

In obsidian, the Tabs component is rendered by the tabs code block. After installing and enabling the plugin, you can quickly create a Tabs component by the following methods:

Method 1:Use the shortcut key ctrl p to open the command panel, input Tabs, select the command Tabs: Convert selected text to tabs,then a Tabs component will be created;

Method 2:Copy the following content to your note

tab: Title 1
Content 1

tab: Title 2
Content 2

Both methods are essentially the same, each tab: after the content is a tab title, and the content before the next tab: (or to the end) is the content of this tab. You can modify the content of the existing tab, add or delete tabs.

Edit Tabs component

Method 1:Directly modify the source code;

Method 2:Enable Double click to edit in the Tabs settings panel, then you can open the editor by double clicking the content of the tab.

Adjust layout

The default Tabs component has the nav at the top and the content at the bottom. You can modify the layout by adding custom configurations, for example


tab: Title 1
Content 1
tab: Title 2
Content 2


Shortcut menu

Right-click the nav bar will pop up a shortcut menu, where you can quickly create, delete, copy and paste tabs.

Released under the MIT License.