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Basic settings


Seperator is used to identify each tab, the default value is tab: .


You can modify it to ## , so you can directly select the content and use the command convert-selected-text-to-tabs to convert the content to a Tabs component without modifying the content.

Default tab title/content

The default title and content of the tab when creating a new tab.

When using the Paste tab command, if the clipboard content does not start with the separator, the title of the new tab is the default title

Action button

The action button at the end of the Nav, you can set it to:

  • none: Hide the action button
  • Add new tab: Add a new tab
  • Edit tab: Edit the current tab

Ignore notice

Hide the notice related to Tabs component, such as the notice when deleting, pasting, or adding a new tab

Autorefresh markdown view

  • When enabled, when you modify the Tabs related settings, close the settings panel will automatically refresh all opened markdown pages, the purpose is to refresh all Tabs components
  • When disabled, when you modify the Tabs related settings, you need to manually re-render the Tabs component. There are many ways to do this, for example, move the cursor in and out, reopen the current tab page, etc.

A component's properties are determined at the time of rendering

For example, you have a Tabs component that has been rendered under the default top layout, then you modify the default layout in the settings to left, this layout will not take effect on the already rendered component, the new settings only take effect on the components rendered after the settings are modified.

This is the logic of obsidian for rendering code blocks, not a special logic written by the Tabs plugin.

Drag and drop

Whether to enable the drag and drop function

Editor settings

Double click to edit

When enabled, you can quickly edit the current tab by double-clicking the content

Show toolbar

When enabled, a toolbar will be provided at the top of the Tabs editor for editing

Tab size

The number of spaces to indent when pressing Tab in the Tabs editor, the default is 4

Auto save interval

Tabs editor will automatically save the content when you modify the content, you can set the interval of auto-saving, the unit is milliseconds. The default is 5000, which means that when you modify the content, after 5s, the editor will automatically save the content to the markdown file.

Appearance settings

The Appearance settings provide a sample Tabs component, you can view the effect through the last tab: Lorem ipsum while modifying the settings


Tabs border

Tabs component border

  • None: Hide border
  • Hover: Show border when hovering
  • Always: Always show border

Tabs border color

Tabs component border color

Hide tabs code block edit block button

Hide the edit block button on the top right of the code block when hovering

Tabs nav

The default position of the Nav, optional values are Top, Left, Bottom, Right, can be overridden by customization.

The arrangement of titles in the Nav when there are too many titles (only effective for top and bottom layouts)

  • One line: All titles are placed on one line, and the overflow part can be scrolled horizontally after pressing shift
  • Multiple lines: Overflowing titles are placed on a new line

Limit tab title width

Limit the width of a single tab's title

The Tabs of obsidian has a maximum width, if you want to keep the same style as obsidian, you can enable this option. After enabling, if the title is too long, it will be omitted with ...

Tabs contents

Contents padding

The padding of the content, that is, the distance between the content and the surrounding area (the distance between the red and orange lines in the figure)


The value rules are consistent with the padding in CSS, you can input 1-4 values, and different numbers of input values represent setting different positions of the padding, the values are separated by spaces

1a b c d10pxa = b = c = d = 10px
2a c, b d10px 5pxa = c = 10px, b = d = 5px
3a, b d, c5px 10px 20pxa = 5px, b = d = 10px, c = 20px
4a b c d5px 6px 7px 8pxa = 5px, b = 6px, c = 7px, d = 8px

value unit is consistent with css, you can use px, em, rem

  • px: pixel
  • em: width of a character, for example, indent: 2em means indent two characters
  • rem: relative unit, the multiple of the child element's pixel value

Contents max height

There will be a scroll bar when the content of the Tabs is too long, you can set the maximum length of the content here, the default value is 60vh, which means when the length exceeds 60% of the page height, the height will no longer increase, and a scroll bar will appear (vh is the abbreviation of Viewport Height). You can also use other units such as pixels.

If you want to display all content, you can set it to none

Released under the MIT License.